Thursday 30 December 2010


We've just been out and done it. Not only talked about it but done it. Ordered a treadmill to put in the conservatory. So in future when I go into the conservatory alone, with my sixties and seventies songs to reminisce to, instead of sitting on my fat backside and drinking too many G & Ts, I can be doing something positive and healthy (ooh, where's my halo?). No excuses now for not doing at least a bit of exercise every day whatever the weather.

This is a short posting as I'm in a rush now. We're going out to see some friends for mulled wine and mince pies.

Normal blog service will be resumed as soon as possible.

Thursday 16 December 2010

Busy, busy, busy

Busy, busy, busy. And now the manuscript of my novel is almost completed. Time soon to celebrate finishing it. But I think I might have a problem. It's a novel for adults with a teenage protagonist. Googling just brings up YA for novels with teenage protagonists. Is it that adults tend to want adult main characters, and only teenagers want teenagers? Can't a novel with (dare I use the phrase?) 'coming-of-age' themes be of interest to adults and not be aimed at the Young Adult market?

I suppose it's a bit late for me to be wondering about this now. Why didn't I think about 'The Market' before I started writing it? Well, I did. I felt I was writing for adults but through the eyes of a teenager. Was I naive?